Vizier Catalogs#

The VizieR is an astronomical catalog service that provides standard astronomical catalogs and tables in a uniform format. The VizieR is a service of the Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) and is operated by the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS) and is available at

Several VizieR catalogs are useful for astrometric and photometric calibration. However, they do not allways have the same column names. So, the vizier module provides a set of classes to access the VizieR catalogs and to return the data in a SourcesCatalog instance.

To access an specific pre-defined catalog, just use vizier.<<catalog_name>> with the query parameters. Like, if you want to query the UCAC4 catalog for the sources in a 2 arcmin radius around the coordinates of the Crab Nebula, you can do:

In [1]: from astropop.catalogs import vizier

In [2]: catalog = vizier.ucac4('M1', radius='2 arcmin', band=['B', 'V'])

In [3]: catalog.table()
<Table length=23>
       id                ra        ...         V          V_error
                        deg        ...                           
     str16            float64      ...      float64       float64
---------------- ----------------- ... ------------------ -------
UCAC4 561-018139        83.6304203 ... 14.621999740600586    0.02
UCAC4 561-018138        83.6294474 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018141        83.6330986 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018143        83.6341021 ... 14.611000061035156    0.01
UCAC4 561-018146         83.639245 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018130 83.61766390000001 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018128        83.6129668 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018132        83.6183909 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018134        83.6210812 ...                nan     nan
             ...               ... ...                ...     ...
UCAC4 561-018151        83.6430586 ... 13.968999862670898    0.03
UCAC4 560-017460        83.6442242 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018162        83.6592556 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 560-017439        83.6130895 ...  16.08099937438965    0.01
UCAC4 561-018147        83.6393589 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 561-018160        83.6564736 ...  14.77299976348877    0.03
UCAC4 561-018125        83.6090483 ... 14.477999687194824    0.01
UCAC4 561-018120        83.5978698 ...                nan     nan
UCAC4 560-017448        83.6253689 ... 13.885000228881836    0.04
UCAC4 561-018168        83.6635495 ...                nan     nan

In [4]: catalog.magnitude('B')
<QFloat at 0x7f100d351ed0>
[15.30+-0.01, nan+-nan, nan+-nan, 15.35+-0.06, nan+-nan, nan+-nan,
 nan+-nan, nan+-nan, nan+-nan, nan+-nan, nan+-nan, nan+-nan, nan+-nan,
 14.84+-0.06, nan+-nan, nan+-nan, 17.3+-0.4, nan+-nan, 15.70+-0.05,
 15.15+-0.08, nan+-nan, 14.79+-0.05, nan+-nan] unit=mag

In [5]: catalog.sources_id()
array(['UCAC4 561-018139', 'UCAC4 561-018138', 'UCAC4 561-018141',
       'UCAC4 561-018143', 'UCAC4 561-018146', 'UCAC4 561-018130',
       'UCAC4 561-018128', 'UCAC4 561-018132', 'UCAC4 561-018134',
       'UCAC4 561-018135', 'UCAC4 561-018155', 'UCAC4 560-017457',
       'UCAC4 560-017458', 'UCAC4 561-018151', 'UCAC4 560-017460',
       'UCAC4 561-018162', 'UCAC4 560-017439', 'UCAC4 561-018147',
       'UCAC4 561-018160', 'UCAC4 561-018125', 'UCAC4 561-018120',
       'UCAC4 560-017448', 'UCAC4 561-018168'], dtype='<U16')

In [6]: catalog.skycoord()
<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
    [(83.6304203, 22.0167398), (83.6294474, 22.0172473),
     (83.6330986, 22.0144998), (83.6341021, 22.0155481),
     (83.639245 , 22.0162939), (83.6176639, 22.0085378),
     (83.6129668, 22.0132417), (83.6183909, 22.0274339),
     (83.6210812, 22.0304517), (83.6242106, 22.0322028),
     (83.6484359, 22.0103392), (83.6374206, 21.9976928),
     (83.6429703, 21.999397 ), (83.6430586, 22.0337381),
     (83.6442242, 21.9911687), (83.6592556, 22.0135156),
     (83.6130895, 21.9901239), (83.6393589, 22.0416298),
     (83.6564736, 22.0002848), (83.6090483, 22.0392714),
     (83.5978698, 22.0265187), (83.6253689, 21.98273  ),
     (83.6635495, 22.0182834)]
 (pm_ra_cosdec, pm_dec) in mas / yr
    [(  0. ,   0. ), (  0. ,   0. ), (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan),
     (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan),
     (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan),
     (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan), (-12.7,  56.3), (  0.9,   3.7),
     (-11.9, -15.9), (  5.3,  27. ), (  nan,   nan), (  nan,   nan),
     (  nan,   nan), ( -1.1,  -1.7), ( -3.5,  -1.7)]>

All catalogs have the same input parameters, that are a field center, a search radius and the list of photometric band to query. They are derived from the VizierSourcesCatalog class, configured with a pre-defined configuration file to operate with the specific catalog. The list of all available pre-defined catalogs can be obtained with astropop.catalogs.vizier.list_vizier_catalogs method. Each catalog has a help method that returns a description of the catalog and the list of available photometric bands.

Currently available catalogs are:

  • vizier.allwise

    In [7]: print(
    allwise: The AllWISE data Release (updated version, 16-Feb-2021)
    bibcode: 2014yCat.2328....0C
    Available filters are:
      - W1: WISE/W1 magnitude (3.35um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - W2: WISE/W2 magnitude (4.6um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - W3: WISE/W3 magnitude (11.6um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - W4: WISE/W4 magnitude (22.1um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - J: 2MASS J magnitude (1.25um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - H: 2MASS H magnitude (1.65um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - K: 2MASS Ks magnitude (2.17um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
  • vizier.apass9

    In [8]: print(
    apass9: AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey (APASS) DR9 (Henden+, 2016)
    bibcode: 2015AAS...22533616H
    Available filters are:
      - B: Johnson B-band magnitude
      - V: Johnson V-band magnitude
      - g_: g'-band AB magnitude, Sloan filter
      - r_: r'-band AB magnitude, Sloan filter
      - i_: i'-band AB magnitude, Sloan filter
  • vizier.denis

    In [9]: print(
    denis: The DENIS database (DENIS Consortium, 2005)
    bibcode: 2005yCat.2263....0D
    This catalog has no photometric informations.
  • vizier.gsc242

    In [10]: print(
    gsc242: The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.4.2 (GSC2.4.2) (STScI, 2020)
    bibcode: 2008AJ....136..735L
    Available filters are:
      - G: Gaia G band magnitude
      - RP: Gaia Rp band magnitude
      - BP: Gaia Bp band magnitude
      - Bj: Photographic Blue magnitude
      - Fpg: Photographic Red magnitude
      - Epg: Photographic E band magnitude
      - Npg: Photographic Near-IR magnitude
      - U: U band magnitude
      - B: B band magnitude
      - V: V band magnitude
      - u: SDSS u band magnitude
      - g: SDSS g band magnitude
      - r: SDSS r band magnitude
      - i: SDSS i band magnitude
      - z: SDSS z band magnitude
      - y: PanSTARRS y band magnitude
      - J: 2MASS J band magnitude
      - H: 2MASS H band magnitude
      - Ks: 2MASS Ks band magnitude
      - Z: VISTA Z band magnitude
      - Y: VISTA Y band magnitude
      - W1: WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude
      - W2: WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude
      - W3: WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude
      - W4: WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude
      - FUV: GALEX FUV band magnitude
      - NUV: GALEX NUV band magnitude
  • vizier.hip

    In [11]: print(
    hip: The Hipparcos Main Catalogue (ESA 1997)
    bibcode: 1997HIP...C......0E
    This catalog has no photometric informations.
  • vizier.twomass

    In [12]: print(
    twomass: 2MASS All-Sky Catalog of Point Sources (Cutri+ 2003)
    bibcode: 2003yCat.2246....0C
    Available filters are:
      - J: 2MASS J magnitude (1.2um)
      - H: 2MASS H magnitude (1.6um)
      - K: 2MASS Ks magnitude (2.2um)
  • vizier.tycho2

    In [13]: print(
    tycho2: The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000)
    bibcode: 2000A&A...355L..27H
    Available filters are:
      - BT: Tycho-2 BT magnitude
      - VT: Tycho-2 VT magnitude
  • vizier.ucac4

    In [14]: print(
    ucac4: UCAC4 Catalogue (Zacharias+, 2012)
    bibcode: 2012yCat.1322....0Z
    Available filters are:
      - J: 2MASS J magnitude (1.2um)
      - H: 2MASS H magnitude (1.6um)
      - K: 2MASS Ks magnitude (2.2um)
      - B: B magnitude from APASS
      - V: V magnitude from APASS
      - g: g magnitude from APASS
      - r: r magnitude from APASS
      - i: i magnitude from APASS
  • vizier.ucac5

    In [15]: print(
    ucac5: UCAC5 Catalogue (Zacharias+ 2017)
    bibcode: 2017yCat.1340....0Z
    Available filters are:
      - G: Gaia G magnitude
      - R: Photographic R magnitude from NOMAD
      - J: 2MASS J magnitude
      - H: 2MASS H magnitude
      - K: 2MASS K magnitude
      - f.: Means UCAC model magnitude
  • vizier.vsx

    In [16]: print(
    vsx: AAVSO International Variable Star Index VSX (Watson+, 2006-)
    bibcode: 2015yCat....102027W
    This catalog has no photometric informations.
  • vizier.wise

    In [17]: print(
    wise: WISE All-Sky Data Release (Cutri+ 2012)
    bibcode: 2012yCat.2311....0C
    Available filters are:
      - W1: WISE/W1 magnitude (3.35um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - W2: WISE/W2 magnitude (4.6um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - W3: WISE/W3 magnitude (11.6um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - W4: WISE/W4 magnitude (22.1um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - J: 2MASS J magnitude (1.25um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - H: 2MASS H magnitude (1.65um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)
      - K: 2MASS Ks magnitude (2.17um) Red values correspond to upper limits (S/N<2)

Configure a New Catalog#

To configure a new catalog, you can use a YAML configure file, to be passed to the VizierSourcesCatalog class. See the documentation for details. The file must have the following structure:

# caralog table in vizier
table: 'I/322A/out'
# small description for the catalog
description: "UCAC4 Catalogue (Zacharias+, 2012)"
# bibcode string reference
bibcode: "2012yCat.1322....0Z"
# list of columns to be downloaded in the query. Use '**' for all columns
# Photometric columns will be added later based on selected
# photometric bands.
columns: ['+_r', 'UCAC4', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'pmRA', 'pmDE', 'EpRA']

# dictionary of available photometric bands and their descriptions
available_filters: {
  'J': '2MASS J magnitude (1.2um)',
  'H': '2MASS H magnitude (1.6um)',
  'K': '2MASS Ks magnitude (2.2um)',
  'B': 'B magnitude from APASS',
  'V': 'V magnitude from APASS',
  'g': 'g magnitude from APASS',
  'r': 'r magnitude from APASS',
  'i': 'i magnitude from APASS'

# coordinates configuration
  ra_column: 'RAJ2000'  # RA column name
  dec_column: 'DEJ2000'  # DEC column name
  pm_ra_column: 'pmRA'  # proper motion RA column name (optional)
  pm_dec_column: 'pmDE'  # proper motion DEC column name (optional)
  frame: 'icrs'  # coordinate frame, default is 'icrs'

# photometric configuration. Use {band} where the band name should be
  mag_column: '{band}mag'  # magnitude column name
  err_mag_column: 'e_{band}mag'  # magnitude error column name

# epoch configuration. You can choose either column or value
# but not both
  column: 'EpRA'  # epoch of coordinates column name
  # value = 'J2000.0'  # fixed epoch of coordinates value
  format: 'jyear'  # epoch format, default is 'jyear'

# identifier configuration
  prepend: 'UCAC4'  # prepend string to the identifier
  column: 'UCAC4'  # identifier column name.
  # multiple columns can be used, as a list. In this case, set also a separator
  # column: ['UCAC4', 'UCAC4_2']
  # separator: '-'  # separator between columns

astropop.catalogs.vizier Module#

Query and match objects in Vizier catalogs.



List available vizier catalogs


VizierSourcesCatalog(config_file, *args, ...)

Sources catalog from Vizier plataform.