
class astropop.image.register.AsterismRegister(max_control_points=50, detection_threshold=5, detection_function='segfind', **detection_kwargs)#

Bases: _BaseRegister

Register images using asterism matching. Based on astroalign [1].

This Register algorith compute the transform between 2 images based on the position of detected sources. It can handle both translation and rotation of the images. It compare similar 3-points asterisms in 2 images and find the best possible affine transform between them.

This package requires astroalign to work. The main difference here to the bare astroalign Register is that we use our starfind implementation to find the sources, to keep just good punctual sources in the Register, and sort them by brightness, using the brighter sources in the work. This may allow a better result in the Register, according our experiments.

max_control_pointsint, optional

Maximum control points (stars) used in asterism matching. Default: 50

detection_thresholdint, optional

Minimum SNR detection threshold. Default: 5

detection_function{‘sepfind’, ‘starfind’, ‘daofind’} (optional)

Detection function to use. Default: ‘sepfind’

detection_kwargsdict (optional)

Keyword arguments to pass to the detection function.

ImportError: if astroalign is not installed
