Astrometry Calibration#

Performing astrometric calibration is simple in astropop. It uses as backend the program.

In summary, searches a given field in the sky and computes a World Coordinate System astrometric solution that can be used to relate a image coorditate (x, y) to physical sky coordinates, like (ra, dec).

For a more detailed WCS usage, see astropy documentation of WCS.


From readme: Automatic recognition of astronomical images; or standards-compliant astrometric metadata from data.

So, creates robust WCS calibrations with almost none or no information about the field. It searches the solution around the sky using index files and find optimal solutions using a very smart and fast algorithm based on 4-stars asterisms. Detailed explanation of is given in Lang et al. (2010) atricle.

This code can be very fast if enough information about the field is needed. But, slowly, it can find the solution completely blind. It also can run locally in a common laptop. However, to run locally it needs the index files that, some times, can use a large disk space.

An online service is also available at and can be accessed by python using astroquery.astrometry_net interface. This is recomended for who don’t want to download the index files.

Installing is a C written language that runs in command line. Currently, it only is supported on Linux and Mac. Windows is not supported by the developers. Due to this, its install is a bit tricky and, for most users, it may envolve building from the code. Detailed instructions about building and installing from the code or Linux distribution-specific installs can be found in installing read-me.

For Anaconda users, the project conda-forge, that is a collection of community maintaned packages, provide a simplier way to install inside conda environments. You just need to:

conda install -c conda-forge astrometry

or, withing a specific separated environment, use:

conda install -n <environment_name> -c conda-forge astrometry

Index files#

There are several sets of pre-built index files that can be used to run They are listed in For more informations about how to download it, see indexes read-me.

If you want to download the index files and do not change anything to get it running, the files must be put in $INSTALL_DIR/data folder. If you download it to another location, you must change the $INSTALL_DIR/etc/astrometry.cfg, adding the add_path <location of the indexes> line. will search all the folders listed in the configuration to seek index files.

In astropop, there is also an option in all the functions that compute astrometric solutions where you can set the index locations. See individual functions for more information.

Astropop wrapper usage#

astropop do not implement the solution by itself, it just wraps around the command-line code.

There is two ways to run the code inside astropop. Using a class-like interface and specific helper funcions. astropop will take care of prepare the inputs, monitor the process (with realtime logging output), read the outputs and organize them in a structure useful in Python. So you don’t need to manually read the solution and deal with a ton of files produced by

All of them run the code in a similar way, giving the result in the same format.

Solution Format#

The outputs several files, including plots, but, considering the astrometric solution itself, just a few of them are really useful. So, we decided to store this solution in a AstrometricSolution container. It contains:

  • wcs: the WCS solved instance, created from the solved header.

  • header: the FITS Header generated by containing the solution.

  • correspondences: a Table containing the correspondences between stars seen in the field and the index file used to solve the astrometry by

To manually build an AstrometricSolution container, you just need to pass the solved header and, optionally, the correspondences table.

In [1]: from astropop.astrometry import AstrometricSolution

In [2]: from import get_pkg_data_filename

In [3]: from import fits

In [4]: fn = get_pkg_data_filename('data/j94f05bgq_flt.fits', package='astropy.wcs.tests')

In [5]: header =[1].header

# Correspondeces is optional
In [6]: solution = AstrometricSolution(header)

In [7]: print(solution.wcs)
WCS Keywords

Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 5.63056810618  -72.05457184278998  
CRPIX : 2048.0  1024.0  
CD1_1 CD1_2  : 1.29056256197165e-05  5.95309123310338e-06  
CD2_1 CD2_2  : 5.0220581265601e-06  -1.2644774105568e-05  
NAXIS : 1  1

Class-like interface#

The most general wrapper interface implemented is trough a class-like object. The AstrometrySolver class can be used to run the solve-field interface and return the results in a very pythonic way.

Its job is to organize the inputs, options and configuration files, prepare and execute the solve-field command, check for solution and return a AstrometricSolution object if there is a solution.

To run the command, you must create a instance of AstrometrySolver and execute it using solve_field method. The solve_field method has, as main input, a filename that can be solved by solve-field command. There are several types accepted, like FITS files, common images (like .png, .jpg), and XYLS tables. For more information see the solving documentation.

# get the sample image
In [8]: from astroquery.skyview import SkyView

In [9]: from astropy.coordinates import Angle

In [10]: filename = 'M20_test_file.fits'

In [11]: s = SkyView.get_images('M20', radius=Angle('60 arcmin'),
   ....:                        pixels=2048, survey='DSS')

In [12]: s[0][0].writeto(filename)

# Run the solution
In [13]: from astropop.astrometry import AstrometrySolver

In [14]: solver = AstrometrySolver()

In [15]: solution = solver.solve_field(filename,
   ....:                               options={'radius': 5.0})
Out[15]: log messages appear here

In [16]: solution.wcs
WCS Keywords
Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 270.675222111  -22.9719850171
CRPIX : 1024.5  1024.5
CD1_1 CD1_2  : -0.000976549933759  1.01589915847e-08
CD2_1 CD2_2  : 7.53462015161e-08  0.00097650746147
NAXIS : 0  0

In [17]: solution.correspondences
<Table length=253>
     field_x            field_y       ...    FLUX   BACKGROUND
      pixels             pixels       ...  unknown   unknown
     float64            float64       ...  float32   float32
------------------ ------------------ ... --------- ----------
 45.64460754394531  1968.970458984375 ... 21437.375   1706.625
1065.0677490234375  1092.709228515625 ... 21186.135  2324.8652
   705.81591796875 1440.1300048828125 ... 21338.012  1834.9883
 1705.599365234375 158.44154357910156 ... 21252.873   1919.127
 787.1795654296875  640.0123291015625 ... 21140.668   1873.332
1748.0179443359375  996.6746215820312 ... 20962.152  1870.8477
               ...                ... ...       ...        ...
1808.2672119140625 265.38702392578125 ... 12775.386  1874.6143
241.27725219726562  670.1822509765625 ... 13805.926  1879.0742
1636.2926025390625 113.85559844970703 ... 12501.093  1906.9072
  616.659423828125   44.4092903137207 ... 13424.324  1877.6758
 587.6741943359375   186.121826171875 ...  12751.13  1899.8701
 2021.401611328125 267.57586669921875 ...  9990.552  1847.4482

Using keyword arguments to be passed to run_command you can store stdout and stderr of solve-field in lists. Check the API from more details. Also, setting stdout_loglevel and stderr_loglevel you can print the live output of the code using logging system.

In [18]: solver = AstrometrySolver()

In [19]: stdout = []

In [20]: stderr = []

In [21]: solution = solver.solve_field(filename, options={'radius': 5.0},
   ....:                               stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)

In [22]: print("\n".join(stdout))
Reading input file 1 of 1: "M20_test_file.fits"...
Found an existing WCS header, will try to verify it.
Extracting sources...
simplexy: found 13193 sources.
Reading file "/tmp/"...
Verifying WCS using indices with quads of size [6, 60] arcmin
Verifying WCS with index 1 of 1 (/data/index-4107.fits)
Verifying WCS of field 1.
  log-odds ratio 536.02 (6.17207e+232), 66 match, 0 conflict, 93 distractors, 68 index.
  RA,Dec = (270.675,-22.9719), pixel scale 1.75781 arcsec/pix.
  Hit/miss:   Hit/miss: +++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++-+++++++-+--+--+--++++--+++-+-+--+++-+++--+--------++-+--+-----++-----
 --> log-odds 536.02
Got 1 solutions.
Field 1 solved: writing to file /tmp/ to indicate this.
Field: M20_test_file.fits
Field center: (RA,Dec) = (270.675235, -22.972045) deg.
Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (18:02:42.056, -22:58:19.363).
Field size: 59.9993 x 59.9921 arcminutes
Field rotation angle: up is 0.00276933 degrees E of N
Field parity: pos
Creating new FITS file "/tmp/"...

Also, you can pass any parameter of astrometry.cfg file to the options. These parameters will be organized and a custom configuration file will be created, enabling these options only for that run. Manual edition of the config is also available using config dictionary.

In [23]: solver = AstrometrySolver(config={'index': 'index-401.fits',
   ....:                           'add_path': ['/data1', '/data2']})

In [24]: solver.config['inparallel'] = False

In [25]: solution = solver.solve_field(filename,
   ....:                               options={'add_path': '/home/user/gaia-indexes',
   ....:                                        'autoindex': True})

Additional Python inputs, like ImageHDU, FrameData, and (x, y, flux) arrays are supported trough hepler functions, described in the section bellow.

Type-specific helper functions#

Helper functions to handle some common Python formats are provided to make easy solving the fields directly from these objects, without manual save of files.

The helpers are:

Each function has its own specific arguments, but all of them have the same optional arguments. They are:

  • command: used to set the solve-field CLI path.

  • options: custom options used in the run.

  • Any **kwargs keyword argument: passed to run_command function, like stdout, stderr and log levels.

Supported solve-field options#

The astropop wrapper don’t support all solve-field command-line interface options.

Also, we added the possibility to add any astrometry.cfg configuration file parameter to options. These configuration parameters will be read and popped out from options, a new config file will be created and used just for that run.

The supported options can be print in the screen using print_options_help or get_options_help funtions. They are described bellow.



The supported options are:
center: <SkyCoord or [ra, dec]>

only search in indexes within radius of the field center given by ra and dec

ra: <Angle, float degrees or hh:mm:ss>

only search in indexes within radius of the field center given by ra and dec

dec: <Angle, float degrees or +-dd:mm:ss>

only search in indexes within radius of the field center given by ra and dec

radius: Angle or float degrees>

only search in indexes within radius of the field center given by ra and dec

plate-scale: <arcsec/pix>

guess pixel scale in arcsec/pix. Alternative to scale-low, scale-high and scale-unit

scale-tolerance: <float>

fraction tolerance for scale for lower and upper limits.

scale-low: <float scale>

lower bound of image scale estimate

scale-high: <float scale>

upper bound of image scale estimate

scale-units: <units>

in what units are the lower and upper bounds? Coices are:degwidth, degw, dw for width of the image, in degrees (default); arcminwidth, amw, aw for width of the image, in arcminutes; arcsecperpix, app for arcseconds per pixel and focalmm 35-mm (width-based) equivalent focal length

depth: <int or range>

number of field objects to look at, or range of numbers; 1 is the brightest star, so depth=10 or depth='1-10' mean look at the top ten brightest stars.

objs: <int>

cut the source list to have this many items (after sorting, if applicable).

cpulimit: <int seconds>

give up solving after the specified number of seconds of CPU time

resort: None

sort the star brightnesses by background-subtracted flux; the default is to sort using acompromise between background-subtracted and non-background-subtracted flux

fits-image: None

assume the input files are FITS images

timestamp: None

add timestamps to log messages

parity: <pos/neg>

only check for matches with positive/negative parity (default try both)

code-tolerance: <distance>

matching distance for quads (default=0.01)

pixel-error: <pixels>

for verification, size of pixel positional error (default=1)

quad-size-min: <fraction>

minimum size of quads to try, as a fraction of the smaller image dimension, (default=0.1)

quad-size-max: <fraction>

maximum size of quads to try, as a fraction of the image hypotenuse, default=1.0

extension: <int>

FITS extension to read image from.

invert: None

invert the image (for black-on-white images)

downsample: <int>

downsample the image by factor <int> before running source extraction

no-background-subtraction: None

don’t try to estimate a smoothly-varying sky background during source extraction.

sigma: <float>

set the noise level in the image

nsigma: <int>

number of sigma for a source detection; default 8

no-remove-lines: None

don’t remove horizontal and vertical overdensities of sources.

uniformize: <int>

select sources uniformly using roughly this many boxes (0=disable; default=10)

crpix-center: None

set the WCS reference point to the image center

crpix-x: <float>

set the WCS reference point to the given position

crpix-y: <float>

set the WCS reference point to the given position

no-tweak: None

don’t fine-tune WCS by computing a SIP polynomial

tweak-order: <int>

polynomial order of SIP WCS corrections

predistort: <filename>

apply the inverse distortion in this SIP WCS header before solving

xscale: <factor>

for rectangular pixels: factor to apply to measured X positions to make pixels square

fields: <number or range>

the FITS extension(s) to solve, inclusive

no-plots: None

don’t create any plots of the results

overwrite: None

overwrite output files if they already exist

width: <pixels>

specify the field width

height: <pixels>

specify the field height

minwidth: <degree>

To astrometry.cfg file. If no scale estimate is given, use these limits on field width in deg.

maxwidth: <degree>

To astrometry.cfg file. If no scale estimate is given, use these limits on field width in deg.

inparallel: <bool>

To astrometry.cfg file. Check indexes in parallel. Only enable it if you have memory to store all indexes.

index: <string or list(string)>

To astrometry.cfg file. Explicitly list the indices to load. Disables autoindex

autoindex: <bool>

To astrometry.cfg file. Load any indices found in the directories listed.

add_path: <string or list(string)>

To astrometry.cfg file. Add a location of index files. astrometry-engine will search index files in all listed folders. Additive, do not override defaults.

depths: <list(int)>

To astrometry.cfg file. If no depths are given, use these.

Astrometry API#

astropop.astrometry Package#

Process astrometry calibration using several algorithms.

guess_coordinates(ra, dec[, skycoord])

Try to guess the format or ra and dec passed.

wcs_from_coords(x, y, ra, dec, plate_scale, ...)

Create WCS based on coordinates and plate scale.

solve_astrometry_hdu(hdu[, options, command])

Solve astrometry from a ImageHDU using

solve_astrometry_xy(x, y, flux, width, height)

Solve astrometry from a (x,y) sources list using

solve_astrometry_image(filename[, options, ...])

Solve astrometry from an image using

solve_astrometry_framedata(frame[, options, ...])

Solve astrometry from a FrameData.

create_xyls(fname, x, y, flux, imagew, imageh)

Create and save the xyls file to run in

AstrometrySolver([solve_field, config, ...])

Use to solve the astrometry of images or list of stars.

AstrometricSolution(header[, correspondences])

Store astrometric solution.


Raised if could not solve the field.